
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Thank you and farewell!

Our excellent Sports Coordinator, Kate Ebrahim is leaving us.

Message from the Principal

It has been a very busy and exciting few weeks. I hope you catch a quick breath and enjoy the Easter break!

Y7's in the Kitchen

The first group have just finished their time in the foods room.

Year 7 Waihola Camp Memoir Writing.

Please enjoy a selection of writing from our post camp moment in time writing.

Year 7 News

As the end of the first term approaches we reflect on how far our Year 7 students have come over their first nine weeks ...

Year 7 Fabrics

Our first load of fabulous cushions should have made their way home to be celebrated!

Year 8 Fabrics

Most ākonga have completed their haet bag and decorative cover so they will be warm for winter!

Netball opportunities:

Read on for links and information for holiday and training programmes...

Community news

Please see attached: Adverts, information and messages from our community

BIG Science competition

Read on for more information...

Swimming Sports

Our annual Balmacewen Swimming Sports will be held at Moana Pool on Thursday 14 March from 11 am - 2:30 pm.