
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


First to the Top - a book review by Noah Lewis

This book is one of the finalists in the 2016 NZ Book Awards for the Children's choice awards.

Rooms 9, 10 and 11 visit the Arai Te Uru marae.  

This was a fabulous day with many interesting activities to be immersed in.  Here are some recounts and photos of our da...

Library OPAC online

Introducing the  OPAC  and the digital databases it offers for learning.

Room 2, 5 and 6 trip to Araiteuru Marae

Have a look through the great photos from our day at the Marae last week!  Special thanks to all of our fantastic parent...

New Zealand Book Awards - Junior Fiction Finalists.

Here is Abby's book review on Cool Nukes by Des Hunt.

Araiteuru Marae Visit 

What a wonderful day Room 1, 25 & 26 had at our local marae today.  


By Michael Rietveld


By Alyssa Kruskopf

A Trip Inside My Head

By Elizabeth Purvis

Standing out.

By Michael Crosson

My Fault - A Nurse's War

By Hetty Waters