Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
All classes were lucky enough to take part in a Squash "taster" session last week - read on for information about the Ot...
Please find a notice attached that is from our Board of Trustees Chairperson regarding strike action that is planned for...
Orders for class photos are now being taken. Please read on for important information...
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - PARENT REPRESENTATIVES. Please read on for important information...
Do you want to compete against students from all across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific? We are pleased to ...
There is a Paid Union Meeting on Friday 10th May at 2pm. Please read on for important details...
Please find attached community notices
Read on for more information about registering for the Thursday afternoon netball competition
Congratulations to all students who represented our school so well as a part of a team competing in a summer sport this ...
For the month of May, we are having a major school wide push on times tables.
As a school we are devastated by what happened in Christchurch just a few weeks ago and are still trying to make sense o...
An update on some staffing changes at Balmacewen.