Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Check out some of the artwork that Room 3 created. The theme was to do with our integrated theme topic; IMPACT.
Check out the photos from Room 3's Orokonui Eco sanctuary Trip.
Watch this fabulous video about the importance of eating breakfast.
The Term 3 Perfect Pies have been designed and created,sampled, evaluated and advertised.
The Term 3 Perfect Pies have been designed and created,sampled, evaluated and advertised.
A fantastic day of sport today! Thank you to all coaches, as well as parents and family who came along to support our te...
Last week Room's 7 and 8 had a great day out exploring the Dunedin Street Art and having a fantastic session at the Art ...
What a fantastic time all year 7 classes had last week visiting various sporting facilities around Dunedin.
We had an amazing day out to many of Dunedin's finest health establishments.
We had another amazing 90 minutes with Ms DIck
Getting our heads around a metre cubed. I'd say we could've fit 12+ if the cube had walls!
We are warming up and emerging from winter and there's plenty of great activity around the school.