
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 



Balmacewen entered a team in the Otago League Carnival on Friday March 17th

Room 7 take over the CAM LAB.

Last Thursday Room 7 took over the new CAM LAB space  to take part in a taster session with Miss Dick.

Hiwi the Kiwi

Today we were extremely lucky to have 'Hiwi the Kiwi' come to school to talk to the Year 8 group about water safety, and...

The Butterfly House Experience

On Thursday, Room 4 enjoyed a trip to the Otago Museum’s tropical rainforest as part of our Term 1 'Survivor' unit. 


The CAMLAB is here. Let the creations begin!!

Warriors Visit and CAMLAB

We've had a few exciting activities again this week in Room 2....

Room 9 visits the Toitu Museum.

On Tuesday we visited Toitu as part of our term learning.

Room 9 involved in Get NZ Writing.

Last week we worked on I am/Ko ahau poems as part of our involvement in Get NZ Writing.

Well done Lilly.

For supporting learning in Room 9 with helpful and thoughtful suggestions.

Ben Matulino visits Balmac

It's not everyday a Vodafone Warrior comes to school is it?

Animal Attic and Butterfly Wars!

Room 7 spent a fantastic day at the Otago Museum as part of our current Survivor integrated theme.

Room 6 visit Camlab

What is camlab you ask? Read on to find out