
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Year 7 News

It has been a fantastic start to Term Two. All classes have been working well to get our new topics and activities under...

Pink Shirt Day!

“Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!”

ICAS Assessments

Please read on for information on how to register your child for ICAS assessments

School photograph orders

School photographs can now be ordered from Kelk photography.

Otago hockey opportunity

Everyone at all levels of hockey experience are welcome to join in. More info below...

Pink shirt day 2024

On Pink Shirt Day, Friday 17th May 2024, Aotearoa will be transformed into a sea of māwhero/pink as we stand together to...


For the month of May, we are having a major school wide push on times tables.

Teacher only day - Friday 31st May

Please note this is the Friday of King's birthday weekend.

Year 7 Ūkaipō Art Exhibition

Thank you to everyone who came to our Exhibition last term to support our students celebrate their learning and the pres...

Year 7 art exhibiton

We welcome all parents, family and friends to the year 7 art exhibition this afternoon. Don't forget to bring some spare...

HPV reminder - Year 8 students

Please see attached an important reminder letter from Te Whatu Ora regarding HPV immunisations.

School photographs

These are scheduled for this Tuesday 9th April. Students will need to be in correct school uniform including red jersey ...