
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Parent Interview bookings.

Read on for information regarding parent interviews...

Robocup Junior Otago Competition

Students from Balmacewen Intermediate took part in the Otago Regional Robocup Competition on Saturday, June 23rd which i...

Year 8 News

Its a Term 2 Wrap!

Co2 Dragsters!

For the past couple of weeks, Room 23 have been working hard to create their own CO2 Dragsters.

NZEI Paid Union Meeting reminder.

A reminder that our teachers have a NZEI Paid Union Meeting this Thursday (28th)afternoon at 1.30pm. As in previous emai...

Start Your Engines

As part of our theme work this term we have been challenged to make make a dragster out of wood that will be raced at sc...

Mufti day - Wednesday

A reminder that the School Council has organised a mufti day for this Wednesday. The cost is $2 and all proceeds will go...

Full Steam Ahead Expo

We warmly welcome all parents and families to our Full Steam Ahead Expo in our classrooms and learning streets on Friday...

Rugby League

WOW - Room 2 have been impressive in our league sessions with Jack from New Zealand Rugby League.

Term 2 - Week 4

This week was filled with fun experiences and experiments!

Term 2 week 3

Welcome to room 25’s hail report .

Term 2 begins with a bang

This start of the the term has been full of fun and learning. So far we’ve had Mandarin, Mrs Dick, Tech, Volleyball skil...