
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Origami Proves Popular In Room 6!

We are loving origami !

It’s raining money after church fair. Church raises thousands

Crowds gather at Dunedin City Baptist Church (DCBC), 19 Main South Road for a fair to fundraise for the Mango Tree Schoo...

Halfway through Term 2!

So far, Term 2 has been lots of fun for all of us and over the past five weeks, Room 23 has been up to some exciting thi...

Taleblazer in Room 4

We have had an exciting few weeks learning how to use an online app named Taleblazer.

Robots in Room 2!!!

Last week we were lucky enough to have Miss Dick come and take us through a session with the Robots.

Science in Room 1

This term our topic is 'Discovery' and we are learning lots about the scientific process.


This term is all about us exploring and engaging in the magic of discovery through a range of scientific experiments.

Dunedin City Council - School Street Flood Mitigation Work information

Please find attached PDF documents containing important information regarding road works in our area.

Important guidelines for students who are sick.

We have had a number of children reported absent from school this term because of sickness, particularly vomiting and di...

Warming Otago Homes.

Otago community Trust, DCC and Cosy Homes Trust are teaming up to make insulating Otago homes more affordable than ever....

Pikaado is a new website in Dunedin where people can list workshops and experiences. We have lots on for kids an...

Go Girl

A story book of epic New Zealand women