
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Dominant start to Term 3 for Football Boys

Balmacewen Boys Football Team has continued their unbeaten streak with two further wins to their tally. 


Well done to Ashleigh Allum, winner of the 2015 Extra Year 7/8 Short Story competition.

 Well done to Year 8 students. 

We are very proud of the achievements of all of our students. We would like to make special mention of the following stu...

Character Writing Descriptions 

Room 14 have been working on character writing - here are a few of our descriptions:

Barbara Kendall - Olympic Ambassador

We were very privileged to host Olympic legend Barbara Kendall at Balmacewen.

Balmacewen wins National Karting Champs

Congratulations to Josh Bethune, Jack Cayford and Alex Patrick on winning the National Primary and Intermediate Karting ...

Otago School of Piping and Drumming: Beginner classes

Free bagpipe and Snare drumming beginner classes

Put down your Xbox and take up your tackle box!

Otago Fish & Game Council is running two FREE Take-a-kid-fishing days at the Southern Reservoir (located off Reservoir R...

Year 8 News

The end of another busy term is upon us and it a great time to reflect on everything we have achieved over this term.

         Year 7 news , June 2015

Congratulations to all our students on completing their first ever science fair inquiry. The effort, the organisation an...


This term we are working in 'Social Action' groups to start trying to address some issues students have raised around th...

Year 8 Sports Tournament 

On Wednesday the Year 8 classes took part in a large ball skills tournament at the Edgar Centre.