
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


G&T Foods

A group of 25 students have been exploring the world of cake decorating over the past 5 weeks.

Food Technology

Term 2 has seen some amazing flavours being used in a variety of recipes as all students have been modifying recipes.

Hard Materials

Exploring, Learning, making.

Pacific Island Study Group (Term 2)

Well done to all the students who have been able to attend the Pacific Island Study Group each Monday after school.  Tha...

School Interviews

Have you booked in for your child's parent/teacher interview? 

Reading with Margaret from Summerset

Margaret comes from a large retirement village across from Balmacewen Intermediate  every Wednesday to help with reading...

Chess Teams wins!

The Balmacewen A chess team won the Intermediate section of the Otago Chess Championships

Message from the Principal

Well done for making it to the end of Term Two!

Facebook page for Balmac

Balmacewen Intermediate has created an official facebook page for notifications and important messages.

Hockey teams braving the cold weather in Friday night competition.

The hockey season is off to a good start. With all 3 Balmacewen teams posting some good wins

Robocup 2015 - Brooke Mitchell

On Saturday 20th June the Otago Robocup Junior competition was held in Dunedin.

Beatz Bin

For my science fair I wanted to make something that would allow me to play and share music everywhere I went.