
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Room 4's Students Demonstrate Golfing Talent! 

Kiwi Golf was back for 2017 today and Room 4 students made the most of their time on the lush Height's fairways!  

Welcome to Room 1, 2017

Welcome to all the new Room1 students and families this year.

Swimsation Lessons Begin

Room 14 participated in our first swimming lesson for 2017.

Technology Begins

Today was the first session of our syndicate technology programme.

A bonding moment. 

After only 3 busy days, Room 25 managed to find some time to relax and enjoy some new friendships. Great start team!

Beep Testing

Room 14 measured their fitness levels today by completing the 15 meter beep test.

The library is open for business! 

Room 6 had their first library time today - the library was buzzing with excitement as the first load of books were issu...

Have a go at golf !

"It was awesome"" I hit the ball so so far"  "I loved improving my swing" Some of the comments Room 6 children made afte...

Room 9 - Buddy Class

This year Room 14's Year 7 buddy class is the wonderful Room 9.

Welcome to Room 9

Welcome to new Room 9 students and families for 2017

Itinerant Music Extravaganza

On Friday the 3rd February we were entertained by a number of gifted musicians.

Great ending to a fantastic WEEK ONE!!

As we return back to school the weather has improved and we have certainly been making the most of it.