
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Room 23 are building a City!

Maths in Room 23 has not been ordinary numbers and equations, in fact we have been designing and building Geometric Citi...


Rehearsals are going exceptionally well for our school production 'Little Stars'.

Sign up for Futsal for term 4.

Read on for more information about how to sign up to play futsal for Balmacewen Intermediate in term 4.

Don't forget to get your tickets.

The Balmacewen Intermediate school production Little Stars is on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th of September at the Ota...

Class photos

Orders for class photos are now being taken and close on Wednesday 19th September at 3pm.

Year 8 News

Haere Mai / Nau Mai / Piki Mai = Welcome Welcome Welcome!

Extra Current Events

Balmacewen Intermediate had 4 teams entered in the Otago Daily Times Extra Current Events Quiz last week. The teams prep...

Tournament of Minds team success.

Our Tournament of Minds team recently competed at the regional tournament in Christchurch. Read on to find out more abou...

Balmacewen Intermediate students present: Little STARS

Read on for all of the essential details....

Community Notices and Holiday Programmes

Please find attached PDF's for various holiday programmes and other community notices

Water Polo sign up form for term 4

Please find below the link to sign up to play water polo for Balmacewen Intermediate in term 4...

Room 23's Art Gallery Trip

On Monday, Room 23 visited the Dunedin Art Gallery as part of our Impact topic this term.