Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Regent Theatre
20-22 August
Adult $65-$85, Child $35-$45, Family $160-$200
“Band Of Magicians will restore your sense...
Basketball Otago is proud to offer another school holidays program that will include basketball skills & other fun activ...
Does your child want to improve their football skills over the school holidays?
Something fun for you to do these school holidays.
Visit by Columba College
It is hard to believe we are half way through our Term 2 Discovery focus – It has been a busy, hands on term with a numb...
Welcome back to Term Two! Camp, Science and Technology Fair, the Awe and Wonder of Science!
Congratulations to these students who have achieved at a high level in the extra-curricula activities outside of school....
Kayaking as part of the Activity Day by Thomas Power
One of the most challenging activities at the Year 8 camp was the Assault Course.
We have swapped technology groups around in both year groups, and are busy creating and tasting our creations.
We are really excited to have 12 netball teams entered in the Intermediate competition that plays every Thursday at the ...