
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Orbus: Reduced bus timetable.

As you may be aware Covid and the flu have hit bus drivers hard. To ensure that a reliable bus service is provided, Otag...

Welcome to Term 3

I hope you have all had a good break. We look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!


Due to the weather, Otago hockey have decided to cancel hockey tonight (8th July). Stay warm and enjoy the holidays and ...

Hangi lunch tomorrow

Tomorrow we have a whole school hangi lunch to celebrate end of term and Matariki. Please read on for what you will need...

Hockey development programs.

Please see images attached for information about upcoming hockey programs.

Conceptual Cats

Year 7 artists develop an idea inspired by a cat. Next they research and draw their concept. The purpose of this unit is...

Conceptual Tiki

Year 7 artists develop an idea inspired by a tiki. Next they research and draw their concept. The purpose of this unit i...

My Pet & Me Sculpture

Students develop and idea to explore the concept of Pets; real or imagined. The design and create an armature which they...

The beginnings of a Clay Warrior Army

Year 8 art students create miniature clay warriors inspired by the vast pottery army created for the tomb of the First E...

Otago Boys Scholarship.

The OBHS Foundation grants entrance scholarships to up to nine Year 9 students - three scholarships for each of the foll...


This season has started out well. We have played 5 games so far.


The Intermediate hockey season is well underway...