
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 



The school council has organised a mufti day for Thursday 28th November. The cost is $2. Students who have technology on...

Ballet Session

During Week 7 all Year 7 classes were given the privilege to have a Ballet lesson with Chloe, an educator dancer with th...

Long Beach Rock Climbing Challenge

This term as part of our EOTC programme, all Year 7 classes had a day at Long Beach.

Science and Technology Roadshow

Earlier this term Year 7 students attended the Science and Technology Roadshow. This roadshow comes to our school once a...

Otago Athletics

A reminder that the Otago Athletics is on tomorrow. Please read on for the programme and important information...

Summer reading programme...

Our librarian Gill has organised a summer reading programme for year 7 students. Please see the attached notice.

Community Notices:

Please open to find community notices attached.

Fish fish fish

Year 7 students have explored making clay fish. They also painted fish focusing on mixing new colours and using a variet...

School Accounts

A friendly reminder to pay your child's school account.

Bees Galore in Art

In art, more Year 8 classes have been busy using the observational drawing skills of a scientist crossed with the tonal ...

Well done to Flynn!

Early this term Flynn competed at the National Diving Championships. Here is his account of his trip.

Message from the Principal

Bring on summer!