Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Room 5 has had a busy start to Term 4. Read on to find out what we have been up to.
Once again Balmacewen were lucky enough to host Stu Duval in 2 spectacular storytelling and story writing workshops.
The final group of Year 8's have started their time in the Foods Room.
Group C have started their 2nd time in the Foods Room.
The students have been well engaged and produced a variety of outcomes.
Well done to all involved in the production - it was a fantastic showcase of the amazing talented students we have here ...
Wow! Term 4 is here and the first week has already raced by. Read on to find out our happenings for the final 8 weeks at...
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Table Tennis Champs
At the end of last term the Year 8's finished their time in Food Technology with a Mystery Box Challenge
The final term of 2018
Read on for reminders about the second round of the HPV immunisation for year 8 students.