
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


2020 - what a year!

While most of us are looking forward to the end of 2020, it is a time to reflect on how lucky we are to be at school, pl...


This term all classes have written and presented speeches as part of our literacy programme. We were impressed with the ...

Year 7 News

Another exciting Term is underway for our Year 7 students - their last as Year 7's before they move on as Year 8 next ye...

A tough finish for our cricket boys

Our boys team travelled to Arrowtown last week to play in the Otago/Southland final.

Orchestra Concert

On Thursday the Balmacewen orchestra performed a variety of pieces as the Guest Artists at the Otago Boys’ and Otago Gir...

Term 3 Hospital Rebuild Project

Students had the opportunity to tackle a real world project that had a personal connection to their community. The Hospi...

Cooking with the Year 8

The final group of Year 8's have made it to the foods room.

Balmacewen Basketball

Read on for a wrap up of the basketball season at Balmac...

Yeah girls cricket

Cricket but not as you know it. To register see the link below

Teacher Only Day

We have a teacher only day on Friday 13th November.

Thank you to the Athlete's foot and our school community.

Thanks to the Athlete's foot school rewards program and our school community we recently received a donation of $870. Th...