
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Keeping in Touch

Term 4 has seen 12 touch teams playing in the Oval Junior Module.

Whats hot in the Kitchen with the Year 7's?

The final 3 groups are finishing up in the foods room for 2017.

Whats hot in the Kitchen with the Year 8's?

The last groups are coming to an end for 2017 and are cooking up a storm

Not long to go now!

As the year comes to a close, it is clear to see that room 25 have made some lasting friendships and memories this year....

School Stationery for 2018

This year we have provided a stationery list of all of the items we would like our students to start the year with. We h...

Music 2017!!!!

Congratulations to all students who have been involved in our school choirs, music lessons and musical events this year.

Block 3 Market Inquiry

On Friday the 24th of November Block 3 (Rooms 9,10 & 11) set a task to collaborate and create a mini fair. Read on for m...


An Edwardian period piece of writing by Olivia Bonner.

Year 8 Triathlon

Our annual year 8 Triathlon gave our students a chance to overcome a challenge. Check out Max's point of view of the day...

Year 8 News

It's a Wrap! 

Otago Primary Athletics Championships

The Otago Primary Athletics Champs were held at the Caledonian Ground on Tuesday 21st November. Balmacewen had 92 studen...

Girls Cricket Team at NZ Cricket Nationals

Our Balmacewen girls cricket team had a fantastic experience at Nationals last week.