Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Have a look at some of the fun activities room 10 explored on our second day of camp
One of the camp highlights was certainly the flying fox. Check out the pictures of room 10 students on the flying fox!
Mandarin has kicked off in Room 25. After 4 sessions we can meet and greet, count and are now learning colours through t...
Check out our wonderful students who have been awarded with roles and responsibilities in Room 3.
What a fantastic time Room 25 & 26 had at camp earlier this week!!!!!
Here we go it is time to create our creature
Room 14 had many close encounters last week at the Museum butterfly house with butterflies, bugs and strange plant life.
Room 2 had a fantastic trip to the Toitu Museum and the Chinese Gardens today.
Group A have finished their first block in Foods technology and are hopefully wowing with their cooking at home!
We have been working towards creating our own pies.
After watching some Khan academy videos on how to regroup in subtraction, we decided to make our own.
Read Shima's excellent recount about our visit to Toitu and the Chinese Gardens.