
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Aspire - Term 1

Our Tūrangawaewae

Room 9 Out and About in Dunedin

Our Toitu and Chinese Garden visit perfectly supported our in-class learning with this terms Tūrangawaewae focus.

The Freshman Shield Challenge

Congratulations to Room 2 who took out the beginning of year Tug of War tournament. They truly showed commitment and per...

Metaphor Writing

Over the past couple of weeks, Room 23 have been writing metaphor poems to send to another year 8 class in New Zealand.


Last Friday Room 5 took a trip down to Toitu Museum and the Chinese Garden as part of our Aspire inquiry for Term 1.

Room 7 is......

Over this term for writing Room 7 has been focusing on improving our writing using our senses, descriptive and figurativ...

Olympic Ambassador

Today Balmacewen were blessed to have legendary sportswoman Suzie Bates come along to school.

Term 1 review

What an amazing first term all of our Year 7 team have had.

Balmac Zoo Update!

Room's 7,8,& 14 have been very busy working on our Zoo inquiries over the last few weeks. Our learning street and the ar...

PBL Update

This term many classes have been busy with a number of Project Based Learning activities and incorporating a number of n...

Freshman Shield underway

Today was our first team challenge to see who would be the first holder of the 'freshman shield'. A tug-of-war is how th...

Year 7 Vision Screening

The vision hearing technicians from Population Health, Southern District Health will be visiting our school to screen al...