Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Kiaora Year 8 Whanau
Our enrolments closed on August 31st. We have now processed all enrolments and have sent confirmation emails to our fami...
The hockey season is finished for another year. Thank you to all players, coaches, managers, parents, caregivers and fam...
School Council Fundraiser - Thursday 23 September
Another activity at home or on return to school was to write an acrostic poem for LOCKDOWN.. here are some samples...
Over this term Year 7 students have been working on Poetry. Here is some samples of work from the Year 7 students.
All winter sports uniforms need to be returned to school. There is a box in the office area where they should be placed....
While this term has been challenging with our Lockdown over the last few weeks, it is great to be back in school complet...
Our Year 8 classes are well into their first project. There are aprons being sewn, screen print designs getting cut and ...
Our Year 7 learners have added hand sewing to their Fabrics toolkit. They designed and created a unique Softie using pol...
Please read on to find the link to register your child for a summer sport at Balmacewen Intermediate in term 4.