
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Science Fair Success!

Over the last part of Term 2 a number of students took on the extra challenge of planning and completing a science and t...

The "H" Factor... Year 7 Update

All of our Year 7 classes are well into their topic of the "H" factor term focus on Health and Wellbeing and now plannin...


All about our School Cross Country, class PE sessions & upcoming sport events.

Year 7 Anatomy Museum

As part of our Term Three focus, all Year 7 classes went to the Anatomy Museum as an ignitor for our body unit.

ICAS Exam Timetable

Kia ora whānaua, we have confirmed times and venues for ICAS exams over the coming weeks. You will notice maths is not y...

Attitude NZ parent presentation. Wednesday 24th August 7pm

If you are concerned with the impact of technology, social media, gaming and online safety for your child then this pres...


Please read on for more information...

ICAS Sitting Windows

This week our sitting windows for ICAS start and will continue until the 2nd of September. Key information follows.

Becoming a board member

School board members are active leaders in our schools. They have an important role of supporting strong professional le...

Cross Country - Thursday 4th August

Please see the image attached for cross country reminders.

Board of Trustees nominations

The school board election is coming up.

A generous donation!

A very kind donation of tech items has been received!