
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Welcome to Room 3 2016

Welcome to the parents and students of Room 3 2016.

Me in a BOX! 

As part of our first unit on getting to know our classmates, Room 14 students had to present five items to share to the ...

Name it!

With nearly 500 pupils all wearing the same jerseys, PE tops and uniform it is vital that students name their gear pleas...

Sun Safety at School

We are currently exploring some options for new school caps just like the one in the picture above. In the mean time stu...

Year 7 news 

Read on to find out about life at Balmac for our Year 7 students.

Signing Our Class Treaty!

As part of 'Belonging' to Room 25 and the signing of our class Treaty, we looked at what we can offer as individuals. We...

Year 8 News

Read on to find out about our Year 8 programme for Term 1.

Road Safety

The front gate is a busy place with buses, cars and  many children in a reasonably small area. 

What's hot in the Kitchen?

All classes had their first taste of Technology this week and the food groups  got to demonstrate their cooking skills.

Message from the Principal

It has been an excellent start to our new year. Thank you to all staff and students for such an enjoyable week.

Week 1

We have had a fantastic first week in Room One-derful. The students have settled in well and have shown respect, kindnes...


The Vision Hearing Technicians from Public Health South will be visiting your school to screen all year seven students f...