Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Check out the photos from Room 3's trip to the Butterfly House in term 1.
All three Year 8 classes have been busy finishing off their screen printed t-shirts. As you will see below, the outcome...
It has been a very busy week with Year 7's finishing off their striped or patched cushions. Check out the gorgeous comb...
Balmac Superstars in Cromwell
This term’s futsal season has been a another great success.
Members of Room 13 and 14 have been playing Rippa this term.
Over the term we have had 11 teams compete at the Oval Junior Competition on a Thursday.
On Wednesday night the Year 8 students celebrated their learning for Term One by presenting their Term One Survivor Zoo ...
Group A have finished up the term with biscuits, pavlovas, chocolate and the Mystery Box Challenge
Group D have now completed all their cooking from the first unit...
After a busy week at camp Room 7 had a frantic week to pull together all of their planning and ideas to make their model...
What an amazing 11 weeks the Year 7 team have had!