Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
In the middle weekend of the holidays Balmacewen entered two basketball teams in the Network Waitaki Tournament.
A great season so far.
Once again Room 7 students have shown that if you work hard you can achieve great things!
I hope you have all had a fantastic and relaxing holiday. We will catch up on Monday with all of our holiday stories!!!...
Congratulations to all students for another successful Science and Technology Fair
A gallery of finished projects.
We have two 2-for-1 deals available for each of the following school holiday classes at Hatch...first in, first served.....
Please see blow: Information regarding Otago Basketball sessions for term time and holidays
See below for school holiday programme options:
Is your son or daughter interested in attending Balmacewen Intermediate School as a year 7 student in 2017?
On Saturday the 25th of June there was a competition held at Elim Church called Robocup Junior.
Term 2 Wrap!