Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
End of term and students have been trying out a variety of tools or finishing off projects.
Last weekend Jessie and Abby went to Wellington to compete at the Aerobics Nationals and came away with a win!
Well done to all students who competed and represented Balmacewen exceptionally well at the Southland Sports Exchange.
As part of our Impact topic - looking at the positive impact street art has had on our inner city - Room 14 completed th...
Sign your children up for art lessons with Pamela Brown and Kerry McKay from theartdept who are registered teachers, art...
Year 8 Balmacewen Intermediate School and Year 10 Otago Boys' High School students make reading fun.
Our kapa haka were brilliant as they performed on the opening night of Polyfest.
Well done to Ethan, Ayoub, Cathy and Zi Shen for their great effort.
The School Council is trialing a lunch order system this term. We are offering a healthy lunch option through our local ...
A great effort from our top Year 7 and 8 netball teams at the Otago-Southland Champs.
The Balmacewen Cross Country team were outstanding and retained the Otago Intermediate trophy.
Basketball Otago is proud to offer another school holiday program that will include basketball skills & other fun activi...