Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Term 1 summer sports are starting soon. Please find the link below to register your child to join a team and play a summ...
If you have had any important information change since the enrolment was submitted for your child, we ask that you pleas...
Lots of excited and nervous smiles greeted us in the hall this morning!
Swimming lessons will begin this term for all classes.
An important reminder about safety when delivering and picking up your child from school.....
This publication includes articles with important information and reminders including school dates, stationery and unifo...
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Regent Theatre tonight!
Please read on and see attachments for community notices...
The student council has worked hard this year to support their chosen charities and to contribute to their classes and s...
The Otago Road Services bus that travels from Mosgiel to Balmacewen Intermediate will only deliver students to school. T...
Please find attached the stationery list for students who will be in year 8 in 2021.