
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Year 7 News

The final week is here - and where has this year gone? Our Year 7 students have been very busy over the last month - che...

Waterpolo Term 4

Well done to all students who have played Waterpolo this term.


We had our School Athletics, North Zones and Otago's all within a few weeks. It was a busy time for those competing in a...


The school council has organised a mufti day for Thursday 28th November. The cost is $2. Students who have technology on...

Ballet Session

During Week 7 all Year 7 classes were given the privilege to have a Ballet lesson with Chloe, an educator dancer with th...

Long Beach Rock Climbing Challenge

This term as part of our EOTC programme, all Year 7 classes had a day at Long Beach.

Science and Technology Roadshow

Earlier this term Year 7 students attended the Science and Technology Roadshow. This roadshow comes to our school once a...

Otago Athletics

A reminder that the Otago Athletics is on tomorrow. Please read on for the programme and important information...

Summer reading programme...

Our librarian Gill has organised a summer reading programme for year 7 students. Please see the attached notice.

Community Notices:

Please open to find community notices attached.

Fish fish fish

Year 7 students have explored making clay fish. They also painted fish focusing on mixing new colours and using a variet...

School Accounts

A friendly reminder to pay your child's school account.