
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Phase 3 changes.

As we have now moved to phase 3, the definition of close contacts has changed. Please read on for more information...

COVID -19 confirmed case.

Please read on for information...

Class photographs postponed

We have decided to postpone our class photographs to another time. We will let you know closer to the time when this wil...

School photographs

School photos will take place at school on Tuesday 22nd February. All students need to have their correct school uniform...

Possible Covid Case

A heads up that we have been notified of a possible Covid19 case.

School Accounts

The school account for Term 1 was emailed yesterday. Please read on for information regarding this.

Teacher only day - Tuesday 22nd March.

Please note this is the day after Otago Anniversary day.

Correct PE uniform.

Please note that our correct PE uniform is the t shirt and shorts as pictured below. No other t shirts or shorts should ...

Music Tuition 2022

Sign up for learning a musical instrument at school is now open and will close on Friday 11th of February. Students are ...

Community Notices

Notices from our community are attached below

Otago Water Polo

Club open nights.....