
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Diggers Holiday Basketball Camp

Basketball Otago is happy to announce The Diggers Holiday Basketball Camp 11-14 July from 8.30am to Noon at the Edgar Ce...

Lost Property

We have a huge amount of lost property in the office. The majority of this is un-named.

Black Out Mufti Day

In support of the All Blacks, the school council have decided to have a mufti day on Friday 24th June

Smiling and trying

Trying new tools and smiling when we succeed. 

Cake Decorating 

The Foods Extension group have been learning some new skills and putting their artistic talents to good use.

What's hot in the kitchen with the Year 7's?

We have finished with one group and started another group in the last 2 weeks. Smoothies, scones, muffins and cookies ar...

Y8 Pies

They have planned, organised, made, cooked and finally sampled their designer pies.

Knitting club

A new lunch time group has popped up for Winter! 

Year 7 News 

It has been a busy term as always in Year 7 - read on to find out what has been happening for the Y7 team. 

Year 7 Cushion Designers

The last 2 rotations of Year 7 students have been introduced to Balmacewen Sewing Machines.

Enemy Camp book review by Michael Rietveld.

This book is a finalist in the 2016 NZ Book Awards for children in the Hell Children's Choice Awards.

Wildboy - book review by Harry Devereux

This book is a finalist in the 2016 NZ Book Awards for children in the Hell children's choice awards.