
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Fabrics - Year 8

Our Year 8 classes are designing and creating a 'Softie' with a chosen function.

Fabrics - Year 7

We have already learnt many new skills in the Fabrics room.

Community notices:

Please see below a variety of information from groups within our community...

HPV vaccination programme (yr 8 students)

Notices will come home this week regarding the HPV vaccination for year 8 students. Please read on for important informa...

HPV vaccination programme (yr 8 students)

Notices will come home this week regarding the HPV vaccination for year 8 students. Please read on for important informa...


The Vision Hearing Technicians from Population Health, Southern District Health will be visiting our school to screen al...

Music tuition information for 2021

Please read on to find information regarding signing up for music tuition at Balmacewen Intermediate in 2021.

Summer Sports registration

Term 1 summer sports are starting soon. Please find the link below to register your child to join a team and play a summ...

Changes in personal information

If you have had any important information change since the enrolment was submitted for your child, we ask that you pleas...

Nau mai, haere mai, Welcome!

Lots of excited and nervous smiles greeted us in the hall this morning!

School swimming

Swimming lessons will begin this term for all classes.