Kapahaka performance

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Tuesday November 2, 2021
A very special performance from the Balmacewen kapahaka group at Queens Gardens.

Our Kapahaka performed beautifully at Queen's Garden last week. Looking fantastic in new uniforms, they paid tribute to the 28th Maori Battalion.

They performed waiata Pa Mai, E Kiwi E, E te Hokowhitu atū and Tua. They also performed the Balmacewen haka.

With the last post played by Oban and Damian and the whaikōrero performed Ruben the scene was set for a memorable occasion. A video of the performance is currently being prepared and will be made available soon.

Big thanks to Neil Brew and Sue Mepham for their excellent leadership and dedication to the group, also to Jane Hendry for her support.
