
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


YEAR 7 VISION SCREENING (and year 8 catch up)

The Vision Hearing Technicians from Population Health team, Southern District Health will be visiting our school to scre...

ORBUS updates

The Orbus Team wants to update you about delays to buses which are having an impact on journey times and will be frustra...

Parent/teacher interviews - Term 1

We would like to invite our parents and caregivers to meet with their child's teacher. This is a nice opportunity to mee...

School swimming sports - Friday 3rd March.

Please find attached a newsletter with important information about the Balmacewen School swimming sports to be held on F...

Whānau Hui

Karanga mai, Karanga mai! Nau mai, Haere mai! We would like to invite you and your whānau to our Whānau Hui

Important guidelines for students who are unwell.

We have had a number of children reported absent from school this term because of sickness, particularly vomiting and di...

HPV - Year 8 students only.

A reminder to all parents,

Covid-19 Reminder

Covid is present in our school.

Balmacewen Bus Survey

Please find below a survey regarding bus services. If this is of interest to you please help us by responding using the ...

Summer Sports Registration

Welcome to Balmacewen Summer Sports Registrations. Please find below our links to the Summer Sports we provide here at B...

A great start to the year!

Welcome and well done to everyone for an excellent start to the year.

Paid Union Meeting - Wednesday 1st March

There is a Paid Union Meeting on Wednesday 1st March at 1.30pm. Please read on for important details...