Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Programme 2022

By Sara Quelch | Posted: Tuesday April 12, 2022
The first dose of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will be given to the year 8 students on Monday 2nd May....

06 April 2022 

A reminder to all parents,

The first dose of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will be given to the year 8 students on Monday 2nd May. If a student is away that day we will offer catch up clinics at school at a later date - you will be contacted if this is unable to be provided.

Only students whose parent or caregiver has consented in writing will be given the vaccine at school.

On the day of vaccination, please ensure your child has breakfast, and wears a loose-sleeved top, if possible.

Please note the Ministry of Health has advised that scheduled childhood vaccinations including HPV can be administered before, after, or at the same time as the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination.

Side effects of the vaccine are uncommon and the students should be able to participate in normal physical activities a few hours after the vaccination.

All students are eligible for free HPV vaccine through their GP practice until their 27th Birthday. For those aged 9 to 14 years, HPV vaccine is provided as two doses in the upper arm spaced at least six months apart. This age group develops a stronger immune response than those vaccinated when they are older, which is why it is recommended for both boys and girls at age 11 to 12. Those aged 15 and older will need three doses. The immunisation is expected to provide long-lasting protection.

Should you have any questions about the programme, please phone:

Natasha Richards

HPV School-Based Immunisation Coordinator

Te Punaka Oraka Public Health Nursing Otago

03 476 9881/027 454 6996  

Please see the letter attached
