Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Thursday November 4, 2021
We're closing in on the end of year and there's plenty of action ahead!

Kia ora te whanau

I hope you and your family are all well in these challenging times. It has been interesting to watch the country's Covid direction evolve over the last few weeks. It would be fair to say that the education sector has seen a number of changes based on the recent Health Order. You will see more information regarding this further down the newsletter.

Whilst some of our programmes have been affected (especially performance and school events) our class-based programmes are all in full swing. Our focus is definitely on high activity and I'm pleased to say we are getting excellent engagement from everyone. Keep up the good work and positive attitude everyone!

I especially hope our Year 8 students make the most of all their final opportunities at Balmacewen. There's no doubt that some fatigue can set in towards the end of the year so a healthy approach to sleep, diet and social media will all help to ensure that students are at their best over the next few weeks!

Ngā mihi mahana

Andrew Hunter