Sports Update

By Alex Buttery | Posted: Thursday February 24, 2022
Some outside school sport information for our tamariki...

Now we are in Phase 3, some sports have made some changes to the way they are running. Any questions please refer to the  teacher in charge of that sport or email our sports co-ordinator on

Draws for all sports can be found on our sports noticeboard (outside block 1) or on our website. 

Waterpolo - Now back on, but Balmacewen teams are not playing this week, and will be back in the draw for next week. (March 4th). Vaccine pass needed to enter the pool. Mask wearing before and after games please.

Touch - Back playing March 3rd.  Mask wearing before and after the games please. Spectators should be able to produce a vaccine pass if asked, wear a mask and social distancing is to be practised please. 

Rippa - It is up to individual teams to decide if they are defaulting or playing so check with your classroom teacher on Mondays. Vaccine pass to enter, Mask wearing before and after games please, and No spectators at this stage. 

Cricket - Mask wearing before and after games please, and spectators are asked to be masked and social distancing encouraged.

Futsal - The stadium is divided into zones so you need to enter and leave as a team from that zone,  (so meeting point needed outside the stadium), vaccine pass produced on entry and  masks worn before and after the games. No spectators at this stage. 

Tennis - At this stage, tennis is on hold.  We will advise when it will start again.