Year 8 News

By Terry Tarapi | Posted: Thursday April 12, 2018
Term 1 has certainly flown by. We have been a hive of activity. Enjoy our zoo creatures pictures.

Kia Ora families and friends of our Year 8 whanau,

Our sharing events were a tremendous success and all year 8 staff would like to thank you for supporting your child and our programmes over the term.  It was great seeing so many of you join us to celebrate the effects of all students in completing their zoo creature project. This was a wonderful opportunity for your child to present their work to an audience. 

Next term promises to be more of the same as we move into our integrated theme called “Wonderment”. The 2 key questions we will focus on are…

- Can I make sense of the world around us?

- Can I Prove It / Make It /Create It?

With activities such as “Full Steam Ahead” and our “Forces Unit” the students will have multiple opportunities to investigate a number of scientific principles.

The Berwick Camp experience is sure to be a major highlight of your child’s time at Balmacewen. The cost of this week at camp is $190, which can be paid off, in installments, at the school office. If you are experiencing difficulty with the cost of this activity then please contact Mr. Hunter, as it is our wish that all students take part in this activity.

Thanks once again for all your support.

The Year 8 Teaching Staff wishes everyone a safe and relaxing break.
