Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Thursday August 17, 2023
Lot's of great activity and plenty to celebrate in this newsletter!

Kia ora koutou

It's nice to feel like we're gradually emerging from winter. The lighter mornings and warmer temps definitely contribute to the good energy around our school. We are as busy as ever with learning programmes and other acitivities providing a full array of opportunities for our students. 

Last week we enjoyed our school crosscountry. As you'll see from photos and video, it was a fun day with everyone entering into the spirit of the occasion. It really was great to see the support and encouragement shown to runners as they crossed the finish line. The sun was shining, music was playing and the whole event was an excellent example of Balmacewen team spirit. Before the crosscountry started our House groups had a "haka off". This was very impressive as each house showed their teamwork and skill in performing our school haka. Credit to the leaders in each house for their organisation and leadership!

We are almost at the end of our winter sports season. Well done to all teams for representing Balmacewen so well. Participation number remain very high which is great to see. It also was great to see our girls rugby team finally get on the field this week after weeks of cancellation. Well done girls! A big thank you to our super Sports Coordinator, Kate Ebrahim  and to all coaches and managers for their time and energy in supporting our teams, it's much appreciated!

Ngā mihi mahana

Andrew Hunter