Welcome Back!!!!

By Deb Tasi-Cordtz | Posted: Sunday April 30, 2017
I hope you all had a fantastic and enjoyable holiday.

I am really looking forward to catching up with you all on Monday and sharing some of our holiday adventures.

Term 2 is always an exciting term as our focus is the magic of DISCOVERY, based around science and technology.  As well as this we have a trip to the Art Gallery, Statistical Investigations to complete, Procedural and Explanation writing, Multiplication & Division is our maths focus, large ball skills is our PE focus and we will begin with Basketball.  We will have our termly beep test, reading challenges and a focus on Matariki in the latter part of the term. 

If you thought term 1 went fast - hold onto your hats as term 2 looks jam packed full on exciting learning!!!!!