Exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, enjoyable!

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Thursday February 23, 2017
We have had a great start to the new school year with many events and opportunities to enjoy. 

Kia Ora koutou katoa

What a wonderful start to the year. 

Thank you to all students for the way they have worked together to establish their new classrooms and the way they have already contributed to the positive tone in our school.

I have been very impressed with the way the Year 8 students have shown leadership and friendship in welcoming our new students. 

Starting a new school presents many challenges and the way that the buddy classes and house groups have helped students get to know each other has been great to see.

Our sports and music programmes are well underway. The numbers of students taking part is quite exceptional. With large numbers of students signing up for sports teams, it does put some pressure on our ability to provide coaches and managers. Please contact the school if you are able to support or help in any way. It may be the difference between us being able to field the team or not.

We are enjoying some late summer weather which is very welcome. A reminder that we do have school caps and bucket hats available for sale. They are $15, please call at the office to purchase. We also have sun screen available for students but do recommend that students have their own sunscreen in their bags.

You will see our first highlighted Balmac "Super 6" in this newsletter. "Organised and Ready to Learn" is an important start of year discussion in classes and I'm pleased to say that we are seeing plenty of evidence of this in action.

A big part of this for our students is the use and care of their own device.  From a recent survey we have over 300 student owned devices in our school each day. Most popular are chromebooks and iPads. If you are considering purchasing your child a device and would like any advice, please don't hesitate to call.

As always, please contact me if I can help in any way.

Kind Regards

Andrew Hunter