Term One nearly done!

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Wednesday March 23, 2016
Time flies when you're having fun. It's amazing to think that there are just over two weeks to go until the end of term.

Term One has been action packed and as you will read in this newsletter there is much to celebrate.

By now all students should be feeling very much "at home" at Balmacewen. With Year 7 camps completed we are seeing a very happy and cooperative group  of students taking full part in school activities.  Well done to all Year 7 students (and their teachers) for transitioning into our school so well.

Our new buildings are continuing to take shape. Work on our Block extension is progressing well and we are hopeful that Rooms 5,6,7 & 8 will be back in their rooms to start the new term. The buildings represent the single biggest development in the school's history and will certainly provide us with superb facilities.

Congratulations to all students who continue to show respect and kindness, perseverance and excellence in our school. It makes for a very happy and enjoyable atmosphere.  As always, please contact me if I can help in any way.

Have a safe and happy Easter break. 

Kind Regards

Andrew Hunter