Year 7 News

By Lisa Dixon | Posted: Sunday May 26, 2019
Hooked on Science! It has been a very busy start for our Year 7 classes. This term our focus has been on a Science Based Project Based Learning unit building on the interests and skills of our students.

This term began with a bang with our guest presenter Amadeo who presented an engaging and informative science show for our students. This lead on to our classroom Project Based Learning unit for the term - Hooked on Science. 

Scribble bots,  Hokey Pokey,  Marble Runs,  Exploding  Canisters! Our classrooms have been a hive of activity as we explore and discuss different areas and ideas  and the science behind these ignitor activities.  

 Over the next few weeks students then began the process of learning about how to design and plan their own science shows.  Our target audience is our local primary schools who have been invited to our first ever Balmac Science Expo in Week 8.  This week we also had another visit from Mr Tim Ashdown - Head of Science at Otago Boys High School who put on a show for our students and then spent some time answering questions and giving advice. We are also really lucky to have had Amadeo return to each syndicate to mentor and advise each of our groups on their proposed science show. Next week our students will bring together all of their planning for a practice run through to our Year 8 buddy classes as a final step before their Science Expo. Parents will be more than welcome to come to the view this and further information will come home next week.

Our Year 7 Assemblies this term have had a focus on our school values and Balmac Super Six, in particular kindness, respect and collaboration skills. It has been fantastic to see how our Year 7 students continue to grow and develop in these skills and this has been reflected in our classrooms and playgrounds. 

Winter sport is well underway with a huge uptake from students to take part.  Our Year 7 students are taking increased responsibility for managing themselves and their time to ensure they know when and where their meetings and practices are on. It is important that once they have committed to a team and sport that they ensure they maintain this throughout the whole season. Thank you to all parents and caregivers who continue to support our students in these extra curricula activities. 

It has been a pleasure to join the Year 7 team this term and I have enjoyed not only teaching in Room 6, but getting to know many of the other Year 7 students in our syndicate and across the school. 

Lisa Dixon

On behalf of the Year 7 Team
