Year 7 Aquarium Trip

By Lisa Dixon | Posted: Tuesday May 24, 2022
Over the last two weeks the Year 7 students went to the Otago Marine Centre at Portobello. This was a fantastic trip to ignite our unit on the Living World.

At the Marine centre the two expert educators Elle and Zoe worked with our students through two programmes. The first was called "Supper in the Sea" and it looked at the food web and the different levels of the chain from producers - seaweeds and phytoplankton, Grazers, Filter feeders,  Predators and Scavengers of the Rocky Seashore. 

The fact that we could see, touch and discuss what lies beneath the surface of our local sea shores brought to life the interest and engagement for this unit. The touch tanks were amazing as students could observe, touch and learn about the diverse range of sea creatures. 

The second programme involved a dissection of an Arrow Squid. This allowed us to observe, discuss and explore the adaptations of the squid in depth. For many this was the highlight of the trip with the opportunity to engage with an expert to guide us through the dissection and our new learning. 

Following up from this trip, all classes will be working through a number of activities around the rocky seashore leading onto our PBL programme designing and prototyping  products such as digital story books, escape rooms and Apps. 

Lisa Dixon 
