By Sara Quelch | Posted: Wednesday June 7, 2023
All students are expected to wear the correct uniform. All items should be clearly named. Lost property is located in the office foyer. Please read on for specific information...

PE Uniform:

All Year 7 students should now be in the new PE uniform. The U Shop has regulation shorts in stock and all Year 7 students should now be wearing these. Year 8 students are to wear the school PE top and plain navy blue shorts.


Girls white socks must cover the ankle - sports socks and low cut socks are not permitted. Navy blue (not black) tights may be worn in the winter terms.

All students should bring a change of socks for PE.

Jewellery, Makeup and Hair:

One plain stud earring may be worn in each ear. Multiple piercings are not permitted. Wearing of other jewellery is not permitted. Makeup and nail polish is not permitted.

Hair is to be of natural colour. Long hair (over shoulder length) should be tied up. Hair ties and clips should be black or brown. Scrunchies and headbands are not permitted.


Students can wear any jacket to and from school, but only the regulation school jacket can be worn at school.


The regulation school hoodie is only to be worn with PE uniform. No other hoodies are permitted to be worn at any time.

Top Buttons:

As we do not have a tie, the top button on shirts and blouses is to be worn open.