Year 8 News

By Terry Tarapi | Posted: Wednesday September 25, 2019
Kia Ora Parents and Caregivers, Wow! Where has the time gone? Another action packed 10 weeks has raced by.

All year 8 staff would like to thank our Year 8 families and community for your support in the running of all our programmes this term.   The Impact theme allowed the students the opportunity to  respond, with creativity, to a number of issues.  We appreciate your support in helping us to provide engaging programmes.

Looking forward to next term our integrated unit of study is called “Challenge.”  We will investigate how people respond to personal challenges. This will include the students…

  • Completing the drug and alcohol programme with the Life Education Bus

  • Organising all aspects of and contributing to the fundraising for the Class Day Out

  • Working together during our class lip sync and touch competition

  • Learning a variety of social dances...

Term 4 is often the Term students look most forward to.  It is often extremely busy and social with our teamwork focus.  

Your child has been issued with a newsletter explaining the Term 4 EOTC programme.  This trip will be a main focus for our year group, especially the challenge of contributing towards the cost of the Class Day Out.   Please encourage them to start this fundraising challenge over the break.

The year 8 staff wish our school community all the best for the end of the term and hope you enjoy spending quality time with your children during the school break.

Nga Mihi

Year 8 Teachers
