Welcome to Room 1, 2017

By Rachel Smart | Posted: Tuesday February 7, 2017
Welcome to all the new Room1 students and families this year.

We have had a great start to the term with lots happening in Room 1. There are many exciting learning experiences this term with  swimming lessons , kiwi golf, the school swimming sports, visits to the Toitu Museum and Year 7 Camp.

To achieve the most out of this year, Balmacewen Intermediate has developed a values and skills approach to all activities. The 2017 School Values of Respect, Kindness, Perseverance and Excellence are at the centre of everything we do this year. We have already begun discussing and unpacking how these might look in Room 1 this year.

Balmacewen Intermediate has also developed the “Balmac Super 6” set of skills to develop independent learning. These 6 skills are…

- Aiming high and striving for excellence

- Working both collaboratively and independently

- Being a critical and reflective thinker.

- Persevering and being able to problem solve

- Being organised and ready to learn.

- Having a growth mind-set.

Balmacewen has many opportunities and I hope that Room 1 students make the most of all the opportunities that are on offer. Having a positive can-do attitude to all learning is a recipe for success.

Bring on 2017!

Rachel Smart
