Week 1

By Rachel Smart | Posted: Wednesday February 3, 2016
We have had a fantastic first week in Room One-derful. The students have settled in well and have shown respect, kindness and excellence already!

I am super impressed with the fact that Rm 1 students have already taken on board the message about getting involved and giving things a go. Many students have already signed up for touch, futsal and music lessons. Others are finding out more about ripper rugby, cricket and volleyball. Later this term Kapa Haka and School Choir will also be getting under way.

Congratulations to Brooke and Finn who have been named as our PE monitors for 2016

Good luck to those who are applying to be librarians and class councillors. These will be announced in Week 2.

Please ensure all parts of your school uniform are named as things are easily misplaced.

Don't forget hats and sunblock throughout Term 1.

Class homework begins this week - students have a copy in their HW books but can also check their emails to see a copy of this.

Keep up the great work team!
