Pacific Island Study Group (Term 2)

By Deb Tasi-Cordtz | Posted: Tuesday June 30, 2015
Well done to all the students who have been able to attend the Pacific Island Study Group each Monday after school.  Thank you also to the University of Otago tutors that come in each week and the wonderful staff who give up their own time so willingly to support this group.   Below is an article written by one of our PI Year 8 Leaders!

The Pacific Island study group has helped me so much this term with science fair and homework. I improved on my time management in my science fair this year and I have completed my homework on time. The tutors have been a huge help and are lots of fun. Thanks to this group I usually finish most of my homework on the Monday.

It's very helpful for me considering I have lots of things on during the week. The tutors are really cool and help us a lot, they give us an incentive of a game at the end which is fun. The food is also nice ;) We appreciate all the teachers who have come as well. Mrs Tasi-Cordtz is amazing at organising the PI study group and it wouldn’t be what it is now without her.

Thank you.

Xanthe Maole

Room 25
