Swimming Lessons with Swimsation

By Sophie Napper | Posted: Thursday February 1, 2018
Here you will find all information about the upcoming Swimsation lessons. 

Balmacewen Intermediate have decided to use Moana Pool’s ‘Swimsation’ programme for our swimming lessons again this year.

Swimsation coaches will take a half hour session with each class at Moana Pool, five times over Term 1. 

Some classes will choose to swim in the leisure pool either before or after their lesson,  please see your child's class notice for departure and return times. 

Each class requires 2 adult helpers in order to meet safety requirements. Please email your child's classroom teacher if you are able to help out with any sessions.

Children will need to bring their togs and towel to school and they will walk down to the pool and return to school in their correct PE uniform.

The cost of the swimming lessons is $3.60 per lesson ($18.00 in total). This will be added to your child’s account.

Please see your child's swimming notice or contact the teacher for your child's swimming timetable.

Our school swimming sports are on Friday 2nd March at Moana Pool.
